1. Purpose of this Policy
The purpose of this policy is to inform our customers of the following:
(a) the kinds of Credit Information that We collect and hold, and how We collect and hold that information;
(b) the purposes for which We collect, hold and use disclosed Credit Information;
(c) how a customer may access Credit Information held by us and request correction of that information;
(d) how a customer may complain about a breach of the Credit Reporting Privacy Code (‘CRC’);
(e) whether we are likely to disclose Credit Information to an overseas entity.
2. The kinds of Credit Information We collect and hold and How
We collect and hold the following types of Credit Information:
(a) Identification information including current and former names, addresses, age, occupation (employer details) and driver’s licence number.
(b) Details regarding applications for credit, including the type and amount of credit.
(c) Details regarding credit provided by Us.
(d) Details regarding the ending of any credit arrangement with Us.
(e) Details regarding payment owed to Us, in connection with the credit provided to you which is overdue for more than 60 days.
(f) Whether We consider that you have committed a serious credit infringement.
(g) Information about court proceedings, personal insolvency information and credit related publically available information.
(h) Any information about your credit worthiness and any administrative information about your credit accounts.
Generally we will collect Credit Information from you directly with your consent. We may occasionally collect Credit Information from a third party such as a Credit Reporting Body (‘CRB’). We may also be required to disclose your Credit Information to a CRB including where you fail to meet payment obligations or commit serious credit infringement. We will protect the Credit Information We hold from unauthorised access.
3. The purposes for which We collect, hold and use disclosed Credit Information
We may collect, hold, use and disclose your Credit Information as reasonably necessary by Us and as permitted by law, including to:
(a) consider whether We agree to provide you with credit and consider your credit worthiness;
(b) take debt recovery action and enforcement where necessary; and
(c) provide information to CRBs including where you fail to meet payment obligations or commit serious credit infringement.
The CRBs to whom we may disclose your Credit Information are listed below:
ARMA debt resolution
Locked Bag 5044 Alexandria NSW 2015
1300 363 394
A copy of the credit reporting policy of the above CRBs will be available on request or via their websites. Please be aware that you have a right to request that the CRBs do not use your Credit Information for the purposes of “pre-screening” of direct marketing. You can also request that a CRB not use of disclose Credit Information about you if you believe on reasonable grounds that you have been or are likely to be, the victim of fraud.
4. How you may access Credit Information held by us and request correction of that information
You can request a copy of your Credit Information held by Us by e-mail, phone or fax (refer to the contact details on this website). We will need to authenticate your identity in order to respond to your request. You can also contact us to make a request that any Credit Information be corrected. If we are satisfied that the information is incorrect we will then take reasonable steps necessary to correct the Credit Information which we hold.
5. Complaints
If you consider that we have failed to comply with our obligations in relation to the CRC please contact us to discuss and We will attempt to resolve any issues. Alternatively you may also complain to the Information Commissioner. The relevant contact details are as follows:
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001
Telephone 1300 363 992
Facsimile 02 9284 9666
6. Overseas Entities
We do not currently share Credit Information with any overseas entities.
7. Further Information
If you have any queries regarding our Credit Reporting Policy, please contact us (refer to contact details on this website).